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Marin Charitable grants impact our community:
100% of proceeds raised reach children in Marin County
Over 70,000 Marin children have been helped in the past 11 years by Marin Charitable funds
$2.85+ million has been granted by Marin Charitable
Marin Charitable grants to nonprofits across three categories: Critical Support, Education & Enrichment

January 26, 2023 Grant Ceremony
Regranting Through Marin Charitable Ensures Direct Impact
Marin Charitable’s effective system of granting ensures donations reach youth in Marin County who need it most. A rigorous process for screening non-profits has been established to identify the deepest needs each year. Qualified applicants are interviewed on-site by a member of the Marin Charitable grant committee. Each awardee is then required to submit a progress report.
Before writing a check to an organization we conduct a minimum of 27 hours of due diligence, which includes program analysis, financial analysis, site visits, and interviews with organizations leadership. Grant applicants are evaluated based on the following criteria:
Relevance of program to Marin Charitable mission
Capability of applicant to facilitate program
Direct impact: ability of applicant to ensure children with limited opportunities receives the grant funds
Above and beyond granting, Marin Charitable also identifies and offers hands-on volunteer opportunities for Marin Charitable members and their families.

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